Monday, April 2, 2012

Scooter Gets His Teeth Cleaned

The Vet bribes Scooter with cheese.

  Just as Steve and I guessed, Scooter's Vet agreed: Scooter needs clean teeth. It comes as no surprise! We all need clean teeth!  Steve and I want to take good care of Scooter. I have worked hard to keep his teeth clean. I use special "pup" paste on a "pup" brush for Scooter’s teeth, and have brush-brush-brushed his teeth.
  That Corgi likes getting his teeth “pasted”! In fact, that Corgi LOVES getting his teeth “pasted”! Why? His special paste tastes like chicken! Scooter LOVES chicken toothpaste! In fact, Steve jokes, "Just put that toothpaste tube on the floor, and he'll eat the whole tube!" The trouble is, Scooter only wants to EAT his toothpaste; not BRUSH with it. His teeth are not clean.

  So here we are, at one of quick and quirky Scooter's favorite spots: The Vet Clinic. Why does he love going to the Vet? Well, in case you forgot about Scooter's "itch" story, Scooter loves visiting the Vet, because Scooter is a very friendly pup. Everyone there knows Scooter! AND, the Vet always feeds Scooter lots of cheese. Scooter LOVES cheese! "Lick! Smack! Lick! Smack! Lick! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!" Scooter's lips earnestly savor every last morsel.
   Will Scooter come home with clean teeth? We sure hope so…

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